Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Multi Email Sender / Bulk Email Software

Multi Email Sender atau Bulk Email adalah cara yang digunakan untuk mengrim email secara masif. Biasanya dilakukan untuk mempromosikan suatu product. Software ini salah satu yang banyak dicari, dan cukup mahal jika harus beli aslinya. Dengan software ini bisa juga mengirimkan ke berbagai mailing list. Ada 2 software yang saya berikan disini. Dan keduanya sudah ada cracknya. Jadi silahkan langsung di download.

Multi-Email Sender is a software which sends e-mail to a list of e-mail adresses in HTML or plain format.
What differs from a standard e-mail tool is that it does not need any specific configuration:
1) It does not need any host name for sending e-mail  (SMTP server). It acts as an SMTP relaying software.
2) It does not need DNS name setting : It retrieves the DNS number automatically.

The software is a must for organizations which sends periodic e-mails to a mailing list. It has a control mechanism which validates e-mail addresses in the list, seperates the failed and the successful ones into the text files and generates a log file for errors occured.

In case of interruption such as internet disconnection or closure of the software, It saves the last actions and resumes its processes.


Advanced Mass Sender is a powerful tool for delivering your message to your subscribers and associates. It allows you to maintain numerous mailing lists and sender accounts. It’s simple interface makes it easy to send your marketing, support and informational message to a great number of people.

Program interface is easy to use. All the settings are visually grouped. This software allows two methods of sending:
-    Via built-in SMTP server. In this mode your computer turns into a powerful email server, that would deliver your message straight to the recipients’ mailboxes on their servers.
-    Via multiple remote SMTP servers. This option is good when you already have an SMTP server or want redundant connectivity.

AMS also includes full proxy server support, ideal for secure corporate network setups and small office networks. Included is support for Dial-Up (modem) connections.  AMS software will even restore the connection in case of disconnection from your Internet Server Provider and continue the assigned task.

Product Feature:

§    Powerful built-in SMTP server. Allows your computer to become an email server capable of sending your message to hundreds of subscribers per minute.
§    Support for mailing through many remote SMTP servers simultaneously.
§    Built-In utility to validate email addresses.
§    Complete support of SOCKS (4/4a/5) proxy servers.
§    Built-in HTML editor with complete support of tables, pictures and hyperlinks.
§    Complete support of various character sets.
§    Support for messages in Plain Text and HTML formats, as well is multi-part messages.
§    Support for all methods of sending - To/CC/BCC/Direct Delivery/Personal Copy.
§    Ability to separate address lists into recipient groups.
§    Support for Dial-Up connections. Automatic establishment and restoration of a dial-up connection.
§    MailList Validator checks for inactive accounts without actually sending emails.
§    Processing of mailing lists including:
o    Import subscriber email addresses manually or from files.
o    Import email addresses from Windows Address Books (WAB).
o    Compare and sort email lists.
o    Remove addresses based on an email list or mask.  Can be file based.
o    Search email addresses with the ability to save the results to a file.
o    Remove duplicates.
o    Sort email lists alphabetically.
o    Sort email lists according to the domain.
o    Import from Microsoft Excel 97-2000, Microsoft Access 97-2000, D-Base 3-5, and Paradox 3-7.
§    Ability to maintain many Sender Accounts (one for each department, mailing list, etc.)
§    Ability to include attachments with your message (presentations, documents, etc.)
§    Database repair utility
§    Mail Merge ability in Personal Copy mode, which allows for personalizing each sent message.
§    History of sent messages

Anti Deep Freeze v.4-6

Mohon maaf sebelumnya untuk yang merequest program ini tapi baru sempet saya post. Anti Deep Freeze digunakan untuk menonaktifkan komputer yang terinstal deepfreeze. Tanpa perlu tahu password deepfreeze nya, kita bisa menonaktifkan deep freeze yang terpasang di komputer tersebut. Langsung aja dicoba. Cekidot..

Perahu Kertas - Dewi Lestari

Cerita berawal dari Keenan, seorang remaja pria yang baru lulus SMA, yang selama enam tahun tinggal di Amsterdam bersama neneknya. Keenan memiliki bakat melukis yang sangat kuat, dan ia tidak punya cita-cita lain selain menjadi pelukis, tapi perjanjiannya dengan ayahnya memaksa ia meninggalkan Amsterdam dan kembali ke Indonesia untuk kuliah. Keenan diterima berkuliah di Bandung, di Fakultas Ekonomi.
Di sisi lain, ada Kugy, gadis unik dan cenderung eksentrik, yang juga akan berkuliah di universitas yang sama dengan Keenan. Sejak kecil, Kugy menggila-gilai dongeng. Tak hanya koleksi dan punya taman bacaan, ia juga senang menulis dongeng. Cita-citanya hanya satu: ingin menjadi juru dongeng. Namun Kugy sadar bahwa penulis dongeng bukanlah profesi yang meyakinkan dan mudah diterima lingkungan. Tak ingin lepas dari dunia menulis, Kugy lantas meneruskan studinya di Fakultas Sastra.
Kugy dan Keenan dipertemukan lewat pasangan Eko dan Noni. Eko adalah sepupu Keenan, sementara Noni adalah sahabat Kugy sejak kecil. Terkecuali Noni, mereka semua hijrah dari Jakarta, lalu berkuliah di universitas yang sama di Bandung.Mereka berempat akhirnya bersahabat karib.
Lambat laun, Kugy dan Keenan, yang memang sudah saling mengagumi, mulai mengalami transformasi. Diam-diam, tanpa pernah berkesempatan untuk mengungkapkan, mereka saling jatuh cinta. Namun kondisi saat itu serba tidak memungkinkan. Kugy sudah punya kekasih, Joshua, alias Ojos. Sementara Keenan saat itu dicomblangkan oleh Noni dan Eko dengan seorang kurator muda bernama Wanda.
Persahabatan empat sekawan itu mulai merenggang. Kugy lantas menenggelamkan dirinya dalam kesibukan baru, yakni menjadi guru relawan di sekolah darurat bernama Sakola Alit. Di sanalah ia bertemu dengan Pilik, muridnya yang paling nakal. Pilik dan kawan-kawan berhasil ia taklukkan dengan cara menuliskan dongeng tentang kisah petualangan mereka sendiri, yang diberinya judul: Jenderal Pilik dan Pasukan Alit. Kugy menulis kisah tentang murid-muridnya itu hampir setiap hari dalam sebuah buku tulis, yang kelak ia berikan pada Keenan.
Kedekatan Keenan dengan Wanda yang awalnya mulus pun mulai berubah. Keenan disadarkan dengan cara yang mengejutkan bahwa impian yang selama ini ia bangun harus kandas dalam semalam. Dengan hati hancur, Keenan meninggalkan kehidupannya di Bandung, dan juga keluarganya di Jakarta. Ia lalu pergi ke Ubud, tinggal di rumah sahabat ibunya, Pak Wayan.
Masa-masa bersama keluarga Pak Wayan, yang semuanya merupakan seniman-seniman sohor di Bali, mulai mengobati luka hati Keenan pelan-pelan. Sosok yang paling berpengaruh dalam penyembuhannya adalah Luhde Laksmi, keponakan Pak Wayan. Keenan mulai bisa melukis lagi. Berbekalkan kisah-kisah Jenderal Pilik dan Pasukan Alit yang diberikan Kugy padanya, Keenan menciptakan lukisan serial yang menjadi terkenal dan diburu para kolektor.
Kugy, yang juga sangat kehilangan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mulai kesepian di Bandung, menata ulang hidupnya. Ia lulus kuliah secepat mungkin dan langsung bekerja di sebuah biro iklan di Jakarta sebagai copywriter. Di sana, ia bertemu dengan Remigius, atasannya sekaligus sahabat abangnya. Kugy meniti karier dengan cara tak terduga-duga. Pemikirannya yang ajaib dan serba spontan membuat ia melejit menjadi orang yang diperhitungkan di kantor itu.
Namun Remi melihat sesuatu yang lain. Ia menyukai Kugy bukan hanya karena ide-idenya, tapi juga semangat dan kualitas unik yang senantiasa terpancar dari Kugy. Dan akhirnya Remi harus mengakui bahwa ia mulai jatuh hati. Sebaliknya, ketulusan Remi juga akhirnya meluluhkan hati Kugy.
Sayangnya, Keenan tidak bisa selamanya tinggal di Bali. Karena kondisi kesehatan ayahnya yang memburuk, Keenan terpaksa kembali ke Jakarta, menjalankan perusahaan keluarganya karena tidak punya pilihan lain.
Pertemuan antara Kugy dan Keenan tidak terelakkan. Bahkan empat sekawan ini bertemu lagi. Semuanya dengan kondisi yang sudah berbeda. Dan kembali, hati mereka diuji. Kisah cinta dan persahabatan selama lima tahun ini pun berakhir dengan kejutan bagi semuanya. Akhirnya setiap hati hanya bisa kembali pasrah dalam aliran cinta yang mengalir entah ke mana. Seperti perahu kertas yang dihanyutkan di parit, di empang, di kali, di sungai, tapi selalu bermuara di tempat yang sama. Meski kadang pahit, sakit, dan meragu, tapi hati sesungguhnya selalu tahu.

Complete Novel Twilight Series 1-5

Complete Novel Twilight Series. Bahasa Indonesia dan English Language

Untuk bahasa indonesia 2-4 diambil dari 

Avatar the Game

The game Description:
In the far future earth dwellers have settled resources of a native planet and now Pandory aspire to seize gifts

not the Earth, but. Peaceful Na’vi, natives of Pandory, live, without knowing technologies, in harmony in the

fine world of the wild nature. What happens with the fragile world giants of Na’vi with long tails and huge greeneyes when the technogenic armada of the Earth will hang in heavens of their planet?

How to rescue mankind from resource hunger and, at the same time, not to ruin a biological civilisation of natives? What of civilisations eventually will come the first in race for a survival? To these a question players can receive answers, having risen on one of the parties of the conflict and with own hand having constructed the future of the nation.

Features of game:
- Play we can both for people (corporation), and for Na’Vi.
- The subject line of game will differ from film history though, certainly, familiar characters will meet everywhere.
- Battling to enemies, you will receive experience which can be spent for improvement of skills.
- James Cameron s Avatar: The Game – one of few games using technology of the volume image, that is for high-grade immersing in – process to you is required to put on 3D-points with which each box with game will becompleted.
- Developers promise tremendous special effects: fire, explosions, the three-dimensional grass, bullets whistling by you, etc.

The Minimum system requirements:
- An operating system: Windows XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista (with SP1);
- The processor: 3 Ghz Intel Pentium D 830, AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 or better;
- Operative memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista, Windows 7;
- A video card: NVidia 6800 or ATI X1650 or better 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher;
- An empty seat on ?????? a disk: 1.5 GB;

Click Here to Download

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hurt Locker (Oscar Winner)

During the early months of the post-invasion period in Iraq, Sergeant First Class William James becomes the new team leader of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit with the U.S. Army's Bravo Company, replacing Staff .

Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad. He joins Sergeant J.T. Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge, whose jobs are to communicate with their team leader via radio inside his bombsuit, and provide him with rifle cover while he examines an IED.

James's insistence on approaching a suspected IED without first sending in a bomb disposal robot during their first mission together lead Sanborn and Eldridge to consider him "reckless". Back at Camp Victory, James befriends Beckham, a young Iraqi boy who works for a local merchant operating at the base. The team is next called out to the United Nations building in Baghdad, where a parked car has a large bomb in the trunk.

While James intensively studies the intricate bomb, Sanborn and Eldridge provide him with cover. Sanborn becomes increasingly concerned about three men watching them from a minaret and another filming them from a nearby rooftop. With the building evacuated, he suggests to James that the they pull out and let a team of engineers come disarm the bomb. James ignores and angers Sanborn by removing his radio headset, and remains with the car until he disarms the device.

Download Part 1
Download Part 2
Download Last Part

Saturday, March 13, 2010

007 Spy Software + Crack (Best Keylogger)

007 Spy Software- Secretly record user's activity and send log emails

We are awarding the Editor's Choice of local computer monitoring to 007 SpyAgent, for being so full-featured, easy to use and reasonably priced. It allows you to secretly monitor user's ALL activities in TOTAL STEALTH mode, including all popular Web browsers usage, windows open/closed, document printed, every key pressed (including login/password of all kinds of programs), application executed, Both sides of IM conversations, Email sent/received. The built-in blocking engine allows you to block unwanted websites, adult web contents, specified programs/games and chat messengers.

Key Features:

* All-In-One Computer Monitoring And Logging
* Runs in Completely Invisible Stealth Mode
* Password Protection
* Password Protection
* Disables Common Spyware Detectors
* Lockdown and Monitoring Scheduling
* Built-In Log File Encryption
* Keeps Log Files Hidden and Invisible
* Sends Activity Logs via Email or Ftp
* One-click Popular Activities Overview
* Automatically Startup in Active and Stealth Mode
* Suspend on System Idle
* Built-in Slide Show For Screen Snapshot Pictures
* Automatically Clean Outdated Logs on Disk Quota
* Extremely Self-explanatory Interface

Logging Features
Keystroke Monitoring
007 Spy have a powerful keylogger engine to record all keystrokes typed in any application window, such as user name, password, e-mail, chat, instant messages etc. The records are time stamped and categorized by the window title they belong to, so you can tell when and what documents were being typed.
Websites Activity Logging

The amazing spy software even record all websites URL visited in Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox, Flock, Google Chrome, and America Online! 007 Spy Software will log the website URL, the website title, and the time the website was visited. You can click on the link in the Log Viewer to launch the visited page in your browser immediately!
Emails Sent and Received

Monitor and log all emails sent and received by users of your computer! All SMTP and POP3 messages and all webmails (including Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and MySpace webmail) are recorded for later viewing. Attachments are logged as well.
IM Conversations

007 will record all online conversations, include the latest versions of: AOL, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Excite Messenger, GoogleTalk, Skype, XFire, and ICQ.
Application Activity Logging
007 Spy Software can record all applications' window activity taken place on your computer! It will log the window title, the opening and closing time of the window, and the current user name. By this you can find out what movies/games were played, what files were modified, what pictures were displayed, and so on.
Screen Shot Capturing
NOT like other spy products, 007 Spy Software can take picture of the Windows Desktop just like a automatic surveillance camera! It will capture images at few SECONDS instead of minutes in other spy programs. You have the option of taking pictures of the entire screen or just of active window, and saving the pictures in high quality or low quality JPEG format. 007 Spy Software will also log the active window name and the time stamp when the screen shot was taken. When you click the record in log viewer, 007 Spy Software will launch the selected screen picture in your default image viewer.
Disk Activity Logging

This powerful software spy on all file/folders change made by users within Windows Explorer, such as create file/folder, delete file/folder, rename and move file/folder, etc. These activities are logged by path and time stamp of first access.
Security Features
Password Protection
007 Spy Software is the most securely spy program since it is password protected to prevent others from starting or stopping the monitoring process, as well as changing 007 Spy Software configuration settings!
Stealth/Skilled Mode

007 Spy can remove its Desktop Icon, Start Menu Group, and all its help files by just single click! Also it will never appear in Add/Remove Programs Menu or Task Manager.
Windows Startup

007 Spy Software can load automatically and secretly when Windows boots up.
Automatic Active Startup

Configure the powerful spy program to start in "Active" monitoring mode when it is started, then 007 Spy Software will record everything as soon as it run!
Automatically Hide Itself

The smart spy software can be configured to start in "Stealth" mode when it is started, so it will NOT appear in Windows Task Bar, System Tray, and Task Manager.
Advanced Features
Remote Log Viewer
The powerful spy program is able to deliver logs to our remote online server at set intervals specified by you, then you can view logs with your browser through the Internet from anywhere! It's really much more convenient and simple to work than all other spy products on the Internet!

Log Delivery via FTP
The screen spy pictures may exceed several GBs (Giga byte) in total size, so it's really impossible to deliver them to your email box, and it will also make 007 very easy to be detected by firewall or anti-virus programs. The good news is we have built-in FTP module which allows 007 to transfer all screenshot pictures to your server automatically!
Time Scheduling
The smart spy program can be configured to start and stop at the set time specified by owner. This feature enables user to start monitoring at a reasonable time and avoid viewing too much useless log records.
User Filter
007 Spy Software can be configured to monitor a set group of users on the computer, for example, you can specify the program to monitor only user "Colin" and "Cathy", but stop monitoring when the user "Jason" login. Or, you can monitor all users EXCEPT the account "Administrator", etc.
Friendly Interface
007 Spy Software is also the most easy to use spy program. It provides a much more easy-to-use graphical user interface than any other spy program, which will allow you to familiarize yourself with the software in no time
Idle Detector
The smart spy program now can automatically halt screen shot when system is idle. With this detector, 007 Spy Software will minimize system resource usage and avoid capturing a large numbers of duplicate screenshots.
HTML Report
Like all other spy programs, 007 Spy Software allows you to export log records to a HTML file, so you can conveniently review them in a full-window browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. Especially, the exported screenshot log file contains a thumbnail of each picture captured, so you can locate a screenshot picture as soon as possible.
Sort Log Records
007 Spy Software allows you to sort the list of records in Log Viewer window. Most of other spy program do not allow you to do this. You can sort all records by User, Time, Action (Window) Name, and Content, etc. Records can be sorted by alphabetical order or reverse order.
Powerful Search Engine
The powerful software spy also allows you to search keywords in log records. You can find out the item you are interested in as soon as you click the "Search" button!
Automatic Log Clearing

007 Spy Software can automatically clear the most outdated logs when the log files exceed the size you specified. This will prevent 007 Spy Software from using too much of the disk space.

System Requirements

* Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP or Vista
* Pentium Class PC (133mhz or higher)
* 3MB Hard disk space for program files

Friday, March 12, 2010

GMC Booters 2010

Download GMC Booter 2010

Hahah,, setelah menghilang cukup lama, akhirnya muncul juga salah satu booter paling lawas ini. GMC booter adalah booter pertama yang saya gunakan waktu baru mengerti tentang booter. Silahkan coba sendiri kemampuannya. Cekidot.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Anti Netcut

Jika pada tutorial sebelumnya saya memberikan trik untuk menguasai bandwidth dalam sebuah jaringan, pada tutorial kali ini, saya ingin memberikan cara untuk mengatasi agar bandwidth anda tidak dicuri dengan menggunakan netcut. Penggunaannya cukup mudah, tinggal jalankan program, dan klik start. Biarkan Anti Netcut tetap jalan selagi anda masih online. Stop jika telah selesai berselancar. Lihat Tutorial Netcut

YSupra Chat Client

Download YSupra

YSupra adalah Salah satu chat client paling digemari saat ini. Kelebihannya, memiliki fungsi ghost/cloack, dan auto join. Jadi ketika dc bisa langsung join room tanpa terlihat left room. Dan kabarnya, blm ada booter yang secara khusus memiliki kemampuan menembus pertahanan Chat Client satu ini. Silahkan mencobanya sendiri.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Menguasai Bandwidth Dalam Satu Jaringan atau Hotspot (Mencuri Bandwidth)

Netcut adalah program yang dapat digunakan untuk memantaince sebuah jaringan. Ini berguna bagi administrator untuk mencegah aktifitas illegal dari user dengan cara meng cut off koneksi user. Pada kenyataannya, program ini justru lebih sering digunakan oleh user dalam sebuah jaringan (LAN) atau hotspot (WLAN) untuk menguasai bandwidth dalam sebuah LAN atau Wireless LAN / Hotspot (WLAN). Program ini sangat berguna buat temen - temen yang menggunakan sharing koneksi di kantor, warnet, ataupun cafe / tempat ber hotspot. Netcut bukanlah barang baru, jadi mungkin sebagian teman - teman sudah memiliki atau menggunakan program ini. Tapi karena pertanyaan dan permintaan teman - teman untuk membuat tutorial ini, maka jadilah tutor singkat ini.

Berikut Instruksinya:

1. Install dulu netcut nya
2. Ekstrak patch nya ke direktori netcut aslinya
3. Restart
4. Jalankan Netcut
5. Pilih Netcard aktif yang ingin anda scan
6. Sekarang tinggal klik pada ip yang ingin dimatikan koneksinya. Klik Cut Off untuk mematikan sambungan. Klik resume untuk mengembalikan sambungan yang telah di cut. Sisakan beberapa komputer, jadi kan gak ketauan amat kamu yang ngerjain. Masak yang laen mati kamu masih online. Hahah

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Catatan Tambahan Buat Hack Yahoo Id

Melihat animo blogger dan followers yang begitu besar tentang hack id, maka kali ni saya ingin mengupdate dan menambahkan beberapa catatan tentang tutorial hack yahoo id sebelumnya

Untuk temen2 yang belum jelas, silahkan buka postingan sebelumnya disini

Anda membutuhkan beberapa program lainnya:
1. Id yang ingin di hack
2. Password List. Download Disini
3. Proxy dan Server List. Download Disini
4. Cracking Program. Download Disini
5. Program untuk meningkatkan kesabaran anda. Hahaha....

Ada beberapa cara lainnya, seperti phising, password retrieve, memasang keylogger, menggunakan cain and abel, de el el... banyak cara menuju roma.. ahahaha.
Cara lainnya nanti akan saya posting. Tunggu tanggal mainnya!

Oya, sebagai tambahan, untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pada saat crack, download disini dan lakukan langkah berikut (Untuk XP SP2):
1. buka program sp2-tcp-patch
2. maka akan muncul tampilan dos, lalu tekan c
4. masukan angka 1000000 dan tekan enter
5. lalu tekan y pada dialogbox yang muncul
6. tekan apa saja untuk keluar
7. selanjutnya akan muncul window baru, pilih cancel. Pada window selanjutnya, pilih yes
8. restart komputer

Sebagai tambahan, program - program tersebut membutuhkan beberapa file ocx dan dll tambahan. Jika terdapat error karena missing file, download dan install file ini

Selamat Mencoba !!

Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity adalah program yang dapat digunakan untuk crack yahoo id. Cara penggunaannya lebih kurang sama dengan tutorial sebelumnya, lihat disini

Master Minded Remake


Master Minded Remake adalah tool yang digunakan untuk scanning yahoo id. Biasa digunakan untuk mengcrack id - id exploit seperti @rogers.com, dll. Hasilnya bisa langsung disimpan dan digunakan.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Asgard Yahoo Tools

Asgard Server Tester adalah tool yang digunakan untuk mengetahui aktif tidaknya yahoo server. Download disini

Download Asgard Server Grabber

Berbeda dengan tool sebelumnya, Asgard Server Grabber adalah tools untuk mencari server yahoo yang masih valid.